Bihar Board Class 6 English Book Solutions Chapter 14. Rikki Tikki Tawi (रिक्‍की टिक्‍की तवी)

Bihar Board Class 6 English 14. Rikki Tikki Tawi Text Book Questions and Answers

14. Rikki Tikki Tawi
(रिक्‍की टिक्‍की तवी)


B.1. Think and Tell:

Q. 1. How old was Teddy?
Ans. Teddy was ten years old.

Q. 2. How did the mother know that the mongoose was not dead?
Ans. The mother saw that the heart of mongoose was beating faintly. So she knew that the mongoose was not dead.

Q. 3. Why were Teddy and his parents delighted?
Ans. Teddy and his parents tried to save the life of mongoose. They wrapped him in an old woollen muffler and placed him near the fire. The mongoose sneezed. So, Teddy and his parents were delighted.

Q. 4. Where did the mongoose sleep?
Ans. The mongoose slept in Teddy’s room.

B.2. Think and write :

B.2.1 Answer in a word or a sentence :

Q. 1. Why did Teddy’s father wrap the mongoose in an old woollen muffler and placed him near fire?
Ans. The mongoose was wetted and his heart was faintly beating so Teddy’s father wrapped the mongoose in an old muffler and placed him near the fire.

Q. 2. What did the mongoose eat in breakfast?
Ans. The mongoose ate a banana and a boiled egg in breakfast.

Q. 3. What is the main purpose of a mongoose’s life?
Ans. The main purpose of a mongoose life is to fight and kill snakes.

Q. 4. Where did Rikki Tikki see Nag and Nagina?
Ans. Rikki, Tikki saw Nag and Nagin in the garden.

B.2.2 Answer in not more than 50 words:

Q. 1. Why did Teddy name the mongoose ‘Rikky Tikky Tawi ?
Ans. The mongoose ran through the tall grass crying Rikki-Tikki- Tikki-Tikki. Teddy used to laugh and named him Rikky-Tikky-Tawi.

Q. 2. What were Nag and Nagina talking?
Ans. Nagina was telling her husband to bite and kill all three people in the house. The mongoose would go away when there was no one left in the house. We would then land the garden to ourselves.

Q. 3. Why did Rikki Tikki enter the bathroom of Teddy’s parents?
Ans. A faint noise of talking Nag and Nagina was coming from drain in the bathroom of Teddy’s parents. So, Rikki-Tikki entered the bathroom of Teddy’s parents.

Q. 4. Why did Nag and Nagina want to bite Teddy and his parents ?
Ans. Nag and nagina wanted their separate house to live in. They knew if three members of the family would die the mongoose would not live here and at last his house would be theirs. So they wanted to bite Teddy and his parents.

Q. 5. What made Rikki Tikki fight against Nag ?
Ans. Nag was an evil spirit. He wanted to bite. Teddy and his parents that made him fight against the Nag.


C.1.Go through the text again and again guess the meaning of the following words :
pale,   still,   bury,   faintly,   wrapped,   sneezed

Ans. pale-dim still-quiet
bury-cementary faintly-not clearly
sneezed-a sudden uncontrollable forcible and audible emission of air of breath through the nose or mouth.

C.2. Find out the words of opposite meaning.
friends,   death,   wet,   awake,   unhappy

Ans. friends – enemies        death-life      wet-dry       awake-asleep          unhappy-happy


D.1. Perfect Tense :
Read the following sentences from the lesson.’
(a) I have shot the snake.
(b) It had rained heavily all night.

Mark the use of ‘have shot’ and ‘had rained’ in the sentences above. The first sentence is in the Present Perfect Tense which suggests a completed action with the results skill noticeable. The second sentence, which is in the Present Perfect Tense, suggests a noticed completed action in the past with results to be noticed in the immediate past.
We use the Present Perfect (has/have + V3) for an action in the past vith a result now.

D.1.1. Complete each sentence with a verb from the list :
steal,    break,   see,   go,   fall down

1. Look, somebody………. that window.
2. I cannot find my pen. Somebody …….. it.
3. Where is Mamta ? ………. you ………. her ?
4. My house…….. Where shall we go?
5. I am looking for Khushboo. Where ……… she ……. ?

Ans. 1. has fallen down, 2. has stolen, 3. have, seen, 4. has broken, 5. has, gone.


Q. (a) Discuss with your friends on pet animals.

Ans. Pet Animals
Kartik        : My dog is very faithful.
Shashi       : My cat is also very faithful.
Deepu       : Pet animals are always faithful.
Kartik       : Why are pet animals faithful?
Deepu    : Pet animals are very close and friendly to us. They develop a good sense of social feelings during our association and the training we provide them. The develop intimacy with us and so they grow faithful.
All            : Really, pet animals are our good friends.

Q. (b) Write a paragraph on your pet animal.
Ans. My Pet Animal :
Dog is a pet animal. I have named him Tommy. He is very obedient and faithful. He watches our house. at night. He is very clever. He understands all that he is trained to follow. He barks violently at strangers but he welcomes calmly to those whom he knows well. We give him rice, bread, meat and fish to eat. Meat and fish are his favourite food. He easily understands what we want to teach or train. He plays ball game with me lovingly. I throw the ball anywhere and he runs and brings the ball carrying in his mouth to me. I love my pet dog Tommy very much.


F. 1. Translate into English:
क्या तुमने गोलघर देखा है ?
नहीं, मैंने गोलघर नहीं देखा है।
क्या आप पटना जा चुके हैं ?
हाँ, मैं पटना जा चुका हूँ ।
आपने वहाँ क्या देखा है ?
आपने वहाँ चिड़ियाघर देखा है ।

Ans. Have you seen Golghar?,
No, I have not seen Golghar.
Have you gone to Patna ?
Yes, I have gone to Patna.
What have you seen there?
I have seen the zoological garden there.

F. 2. Translate into your mother tongue :
Has he ever come to you?
No, he has never come to me.
Who has told you about him?
Where have they gone?
Why have they come ?

Ans.क्या वह कभी तुम्हारे पास आया है ?
नहीं, वह मेरे पास कभी नहीं आया है ।
उसके बारे में तुम्हें किसने कहा है ?
वे लोग कहाँ गए हैं ?
वे लोग क्यों आए हैं ?

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