BSEB English Book Chapter 11. A Kabaddi Match Class 7th Solutions

BSEB Bihar Board English Book Solutions Chapter 11. A Kabaddi Match Class 7th Solutions (कबड्डी प्रतियोगिता) A Kabaddi Match Class 7th Solutions

A Kabaddi Match Class 7th Solutions

11. A Kabaddi Match
(कबड्डी प्रतियोगिता)


B. Let’s Comprehend :
B.1. Think and Tell:

Answer the following questions orally:
Q. (i) Who walked first into the Rampur territory ?
Ans. It was Raghu who walked first into the Rampur territory.

Q. (ii) Who was Mangla ?
Ans. Mangla was a player of the Rampur team.

Q. (iii) Who made Mangla out?
Ans. It was Raghu who made Mangla out.

Q. (iv) What did Raghu say when he moved into the Rampur’s territory?
Ans. Raghu said, when he moved into the Rampur territory, that he had to touch them all and go back safely.

B.2. Think and Write:
B.2.1. Write ‘T’ for true statement and F for false statement:
(i) Raghu walked into Rampur territory saying………. Badi ………….Badi ……….    Badi.
(ii) Mangla could not hold Raghu.
(iii) Aslam was the player of the Rampur team.
(iv) After an hour, all the players of the Chainpur team were out, except Raghu.
(v) To say “Hardi Chuna” is the sign of defeat.
(vi) Raghu did not touch the dividing line of the territory,
(vii) The Chainpur team won the match.

Ans. (i) F, (ii) T, (iii) T, (iv) T, (v) T, (vi) F, (vii) T.

B.2.2. Answer the following questions in a phrase or in one sentence:
Q. (i) What was Raghu being forced to say?
Ans. Hardi Chuna.

Q. (ii) Who took Raghu on their shoulders ?
Ans. Supporters of Chainpur team.

Q. (iii) What was the demand of the Rampur supporters?
Ans. To touch at least two players of Chainpur team.

B.2.3. Answer the following questions in not more than 50 words:
Q. (i) There is no need of any sports-item in Kabaddi. Do you agree? If yes, explain.
Ans. Yes, there is no need of any sport-item in Kabaddi. It is a physical game, in which one player speak Kabaddi Kabaddi in against party’s territory without breaking his breath. They have only to touch and catch one. And for this only a ground, divided into two parts is required, nothing else.

Q. (ii) How did Raghu become the most important player of the Chainpur team? What did the supporters of the Chainpur team do after the match?
Ans. Chainpur team lost its all the players, except Raghu. Now, Ragh alone played the role of silent player and touched the dividing line when the members of the opposite team caught him. So, all the players of Rampur team went out and Raghu became the most important player of Chainpur team.
The supporters of Chainpur team took Raghu on their shoulders.

Q. (iii) Raghu was forced to say “Hardi Chuna”. Why?
Ans. Raghu was a single player remaining in his team. So, he played the role of silent player. It is essential for a silent player to say Hardi Chuna, if he feels defeated. He was captured by the opposite team, and so, forced to say Hardi Chuna for his defeat.

Q. (iv) Which game do you like the most? Give reasons.
Ans. I like the football game most. No other game is so full of different types of activities as the football is. All the field in this game is full of different activities. I get chance to play in any activity. This play also requires a short span of time, 1 to 1.30 hour. So, I like this game most.

C. Word Study:
C.1.Correct the spelling of the following words.
tauch             Fourty             teritory            Ninty         incircle          recive        cought        suppoter

Ans. touch, territory, encircle, caught, forty, ninety, receive, supporter:

C.2. Match the words in column ‘A’ with the words given in column ‘B’

Ans. (i)-(e), (ii)→(d), (iii)→(h), (iv)→(f), (v)→>(a), (vi)→(c).

D. Grammar:
D.1.Read the following sentences from the text
You should not get tempted..
You should play safely.
In both the sentences given above the ‘should’ has been used for suggestion.
‘Should’ is also used:
(a) to give warning and threat
e.g. If you come late, you should be fined.
(b) in the sense of ‘offer’.
e.g. Should I carry your bag?
(c) in the sense of moral obligation
e.g. You should respect your elders.

Q. Find out the sense in which ‘should’ has been used in the following sentences and write them in the given space. One has been done for you.
You should speak the truth (suggestion).
1. We should help the helpless…….
2. You should be punished if you tell a lie…………
3. We should always walk along left side of the road……….
4. Everyone should love his/her motherland ………..
5. One should not waste one’s time ……….
6. You should not get ill-tempered …………

Ans. 1. moral obligation, 2. threat, 3. duty, 4. obligation.. 5. suggestion, 6. suggestion.

D.2.Look at the following examples :
(1) After an hour, all the players of the Chainpur team were out, except Raghu.
(2) He made a try but in vain.
In example (1) ‘an’ is used before hour which starts with a vowel sound.
In example (2) a is used before try which starts with a consonant sound.

A Kabaddi Match Class 7th Solutions

‘A’ and ‘an’ are used before singular countable noun.
Ex. a boy, a dog, an egg, an M.L.A., a uniform, an ant.
‘A’ is used before a consonant sound and an’ is used before a vowel sound.

Q. Now fill in the blanks with ‘a’ or ‘an’:
(i) ……….dog is…….. animal.
(ii) Gandhiji was ……… great man.
(iii) Rekha is ……… good girl.
(iv) He is …….. M.A.
(v) Mukul is ……… N.C.C. Officer.
(vi) Raghu is ……… active player.
(vii) Tom is ……. European.
(viii) I reached there in ……… hour.
(ix) She is ……… B.A.
(x) This is…. one act play.

Ans. (i) a, an, (ii) a, (iii) a, (iv) an, (v) an, (vi) an, (vii) a, (viii) án, (ix) a, (x) a.

E. Let’s Talk :
Q. Talk about any match you have watched.
Ans. I have seen an inter-school match between a team of Raghunathpur and Satara. Both the teams were competent in their play. Both the teams were struggling most to win over the match, but the encounter was very tough. The Goalkeeper of Satara was so strong and swift that he did not allow any ball to pass into the goalpost. The centre- forwards of Raghunathpur were so expert that they did not allow the ball to come towards their goalpost. Half time passed but none of the teams achieved any score. But by chance, Raghunathpur got a chance to kick a corner ball and this time, the goalkeeper of Satara failed. Thus, the Raghunathpur team won the match by one score.

F. Composition:
Q. Describe a cricket match that you have watched.
Ans. One day I watched a twenty-20 cricket match. It was the 24th December, 2007. Twenty-20 match was organised by South Africa. The final was played between India and Pakistan. People were gathered at every nook and corner before TV’s. Mahendra Singh Dhoni was the captain of the Indian team. India started batting first. When Pakistan started its batting, the match became very exciting. It seemed that Pakistan would win the match,. but at last its batsman was caught out and India won the final. Really it was a memorable cricket match. People enjoyed it very much.

G. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. रघु चैनपुर का तेज खिलाड़ी था ।
2. वह फुर्तीला और मजबूत था ।
3. असलम भी रामपुर का लोकप्रिय खिलाड़ी था ।
4. वह मेहनती था ।
5. विनय अपने मित्रों के साथ रोज कबड्डी खेलता है।
6. खेल शरीर को मजबूत बनाता है।
7. हमें नियमित खेलना और पढ़ना चाहिये ।
8. स्वास्थ्य ही धन है ।
9. स्वस्थ शरीर में स्वस्थ मस्तिष्क रहता है ।

1. Raghu was a fast player of Chainpur.
2. He was swift and strong.
3. Aslam, too, was a popular player of Rampur.
4. He was laborious.
5. Vinay plays Kabaddi with his friends daily.
6. Play makes the body strong.
7. We should play and read regularly.
8. Health is wealth.
9. Healthy mind lives in a healthy body.

H. Activity:
Q. Find out the differences between the Kabaddi that is played in your locality and the Kabaddi which is played at the national or international level.
Form small groups and discuss with your friends the game of their liking. Find out various items required for the game.
Ans. The difference between the Kabaddi played in different localities and national or international level is only of rules and regulations. Local Kabaddi has no has no strict rules and regulation while the national and international Kabaddi has certain definite rules and regulations, as follows.
(a) Local Kabaddi ground has no measures while national and international Kabaddi has different measures for men, women and children :

(b) Local, national and international Kabaddi has 7 + 5 players in each team.
(c) Local Kabaddi has no definite time of play while national and international Kabaddi is played for 20 to 15 min.
Similarly, there are differences of rules and regulations between the Kabaddi of the two levels.

Group Discussion :
Hari        : Which game do you like, Pintoo?
Pintoo     : I like playing cricket.
Hari        : What are the items required for this game?
Pintoo     : A ball, a bat, three wickets and big ground are required to play cricket.
John        : I like to play football.
Prakash    : What items do you require to play football.
John         : We require only a ball, a pair of goalposts and a ground to play football.
Chicoo     :  I like to play volleyball.
Rashmi    : What does it require to play volleyball ?
Chicoo     : It requires a ball, a net and a ground.


Long Answer Type Questions :
Q. 1. What does a silent player do to play in Kabaddi to win a match.
Ans. A silent player in the Kabaddi has to keep silent while walking into the rival’s ground. It is needed for him to touch the dividing line after touching the player of opposite team. If the players of the opposite team capture him and he cannot touch the diving line, he loses the game.

Q. 2. Give a short description of the lesson, ‘A Kabaddi Match’ in your own words.
Hint  :  See the ‘Summary of the Lesson’ on page 88.

Q. 3. Write a paragraph on Kabaddi in about 100 words.
Ans. Kabaddi is a rural play of India. It is played between two teams of players. A team may consist of two to numerous players. But, in national and international game a team is limited with 5 to 7 players and some extras. The kabaddi does not require any sport-item, except a big ground. The ground is divided into two areas each for a team. A player has to speak, kabaddi, kabaddi without breaking his breath in his turn. It is a play of touch and catch a player physically. It is a hygienic play. When all the menibers of a team go out either by touching or catching, the game is over. The team which loses all is players, loses the game.

A Kabaddi Match Class 7th Solutions

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