Bihar Board Class 6 English Book Solutions Chapter 3. Lata Mangrshkar: The Melody Queen (लता मंगेशकर : स्‍वर सम्राज्ञी)

Bihar Board Class 6 English Lata Mangrshkar: The Melody Queen Text Book Questions and Answers

3. Lata Mangrshkar: The Melody Queen
(लता मंगेशकर : स्‍वर सम्राज्ञी)


B.1. Think and Tell:

Q. 1. Who is called Swar Samragyi ?
Ans. Lata Mangeshkar is called Swar Samragyi.

Q. 2. Which award she gave up?
Ans. She gave up Filmfare Best Female Playback Award.

Q. 3. Why did she give up that award ?
Ans. She gave up the award in order to promote fresh talent.

B.2. Think and Write:

Answer in not more than 50 words :-

Q. 1. What was the earlier name of Lata? Why was it changed?
Ans. The earlier name of Lata was Hridaya. It was change after the name Latika of a female character of one of her father’s plays.

Q. 2. Lataji refused to accept the Filmfare award. Why did she do so? What light does it throw on her personality?
Ans. Lataji refused to accept the Filmfare award in order to promote fresh talent. It shows her high thinking and great personality.

Q. 3. Pt. Nehru could not control his tears. What does it suggest about Lata’s art of singing?
Ans. The statement suggests that Lata is a great artist. Her singing make everybody feel the sense of human expression.


C.1.Go through the text again and again and give the meanings of the following words.

sacrifice,    patriotic,     native,    gesture.

Sacrifice – give something up for something else.
Patriotic – of the good of a nation.
Native – of the origin.
Gesture – kindness

C.2. Find out. the opposite of the following words from the text:

dishonour,    usual,    protection,   mortal

word                                 oppose
Dishonour                         Honour
Usual                                 Unusual
Protection                        Aggression
Mortal                              Immortal


Example: 1
Her father was a classical singer and a theater artist.
Now here we see that two traits of the same person have been joined by using and.

Example : 2
The family’s last name used to be Hardikar but Deenanath changed it to Mangeshkar.
Here ‘but’ is used to join two opposite things contrasting in nature.

Now use either ‘and’ or ‘but’ to complete the following sentences.
1. He is a naughty boy ……….. good in studies.
2. He is a player ……. a singer.
3. Raju shouts loudly in the playground …… speaks very slowly in the class.

Ans. 1. but, 2. and, 3. but.

E. Let’s Talk and Write:

E.1.Every body has a hobby. What is yours?
Discuss with your friends. Then complete the sentences given below:

(a) I am a …….                                                                             [boy/girl]
(b) I study in class………..                                                         [five/six]
(c) I am fond of…..                [playing, singing, dancing reading, watching T.V.]
(d) I… in the evening after I finish my homework.            [take sleep/take bath)
(e) I… lot of time to my hobby.                                               [give/take]
(f) I want to grow big and become a…………                         [singer/dancer]

Ans. (a) boy, (b) six, (c) playing/watching TV, (d) take sleep, (e) give, (f) singer.


F.1. Translate into English:
1. मुझे गाना गाना अच्छा लगता है ।
2. मुझे कहानियाँ पढ़ना अच्छा लगता है
3. मैं बड़े होकर क्रिकेटर बनना चाहता हूँ ।

Ans. 1. I like to sing song.
2: I like to read stories.
3. Being grown up I want to be a cricketer.

F.2. Translate into Hindi:
1. I am fond of watching. T.V.
2. I want to become Lata Mangeshkar.
3. I want to fight for my country.
4. I am a brave boy.

Ans. 1. मुझे टी. वी. देखना पसन्द है ।
2. मैं लता मंगेशकर होना चाहता हूँ
3. मैं देश के लिये लड़ना चाहता हूँ
4. मैं बहादुर लड़का हूँ ।


Fun with sound words:
Some interesting words sound like the noises for which they stand. You use a different tone of voice when you say these words. The voice becomes louder and more forceful.

For example:
Zoom! went the Car
Bang! went the door
Pip! Pop! flippely Flop !

Say the following and write what would make sounds or actions :

Click!, Chirp !, Whisper!, Oh !, Ah!

Click! : a short sharp sound.
Chirp !  : a short high-pitched sound.
Whisper : an unclear talking.
Oh !  : an action against some grief.
Ah !  : express some grief.

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