Bihar Board Class 6 English Book Solutions Chapter 2. The Boy Who Lost His Appetite (वह लड़का जिसने अपनी भुख गाँव दी)

Bihar Board Class 6 English The Boy Who Lost His Appetite Text Book Questions and Answers

2. The Boy Who Lost His Appetite
(वह लड़का जिसने अपनी भुख गाँव दी)



B.1. Think and Tell:

1. Why did Sham lag behind other friends?
Ans. Sham did not use to riding fast, so he lagged behind other friends.

2. What kind of life did he live after his father’s death?
Ans. After his father’s death he lived a luxurious life.

B. 2. Think and Write:

B. 2.1. True or False

1. Based on the story write ‘true’ or ‘false’ next to each sentence given below :
(a) Sham was a young boy.
(b) Sham lay in bed all day because he became sick.
(c) Sham rode very slowly.
(d) The peasant offered Sham roti and vegetables.
(e) Sham was lost in the woods when he was returning home from the peasant’s house.

Ans. (a) true, (b) false, (c) true, (d) false, (e) false.

B. 2.2. Tick the answers to each of the questions given below:

Q. 1. Why did Sham find the food tasteless ?
(a) The food was prepared badly.
(b) He felt sad for his father.
(c) He did not feel much hungry because he passed his day without any activity.
(d) He was sleeping.

Q. 2. Why did Sham like the dal and roti ?
(a) It was cooked in a special way.
(b) Sham had not eaten roti and dal for many days without any activity.
(c) Sham was tired and hungry.
(d) Sham liked the huts.

Ans. 1. (c), 2. (c)

B.2.3. Answer the following questions in not more than 50 words :

Q. 1. How did Sham spend his life after his father died?
Ans. Sham spend his life luxuriously after his father’s death. He ate rich food and lay in bed all day.

Q. 2. What made Sham lose his way in the woods?
Ans. Not to ride fast made him lagging behind and lose his way in the woods. He got lost and wandered.

Q. 3. Who helped Sham when he lost his way? How?
Ans. A peasant helped Sham when he lost his way. The peasant gave him food and also directions back to his home.

Q. 4. What made the food tasty or tasteless for Sham. Give reasons for your answer.
Ans. Toil of a man makes his food tasty and lack of toil makes the food tasteless. Toil creates desire of food in the physique of a man. So, the food becomes tasty. Without toil, a person lacks his need for food. So, food becomes tasteless.


Think of words related to luxurious and food. Now fill in the web chart with those words.

Bihar Board Class 6 English The Boy Who Lost His Appetite


D.1. Conjunctions

He ate rich food and lay in bed all day.
We can break this sentence into two sentences.
1. He ate rich food.
2. He lay in bed all day.

We use ‘and’ to join two or more words or group of words. We also use ‘but’, ‘when’, ‘because’ and ‘or’ to join two or more words or group of words.

Q. Now break the following sentences into two sentences as shown in the example above.
1. He rode up to it and asked for a little food.
2. I have only roti and dal, sir.
3. He want back to his rich food and lazy ways. 899898

Ans. 1. He rode up to it. He asked for a little food.
2. I have only roti. Sir, I have only dal.
3. He went back to his rich food. He went back to his lazy ways.

Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box:

but, when, because, and, so, or

1. The boy opened his umbrella ……. it started raining.
2. Mukul …… Arti will bring the book to school.
3. Rahim had high fever…… he could not come to school.
4. Munna ran very fast…… could not win the race.
5. Ram…… Pawan went to see a film yesterday.
6. Lalit had high fever…… he got wet in the rain.

Ans. 1. when, 2. and, 3. so, 4. but, 5. or, 6. because.

E. Let’s Talk and Write:

E.1.1. Discuss your daily routine in groups. Also, share your food habits with your friends.

Myself         : When do you wake up in the morning, Prasoon?
Prasoon     : I wake up at 6:00 in the morning.
Myself        : I wake up before the sunrise everyday in the morning.
Prasoon    : It is very difficult to rise so early.
Myself       : No, no. Is very easy. I also go to bed early in the night. So, it is not difficult to arise early in the morning. Early to bed and early to rise is the gold rule of living. After that I walk for some time and then start another work of the house.

E.1.2. Write 6 sentences about the food you like to eat and why you like that food.

1. I like to eat roti dal.
2. It is made of wheat and pulse.
3. It is very tasteful.
4. It is very healthy.
5. It is available everywhere.
6. It gives me much satisfaction.

Bihar Board Class 6 English The Boy Who Lost His Appetite

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