Bihar Board Class 6 English Book Solutions Chapter 7. A Mother’s Love (माँ का स्‍नेह)

Bihar Board Class 6 English A Mother’s Love Text Book Questions and Answers

7. A Mother’s Love
(माँ का स्‍नेह)


B. 1. Think and Tell:

Q. 1. Who was Sita ?
Ans. Sita was a poor widow of village Mahua.

Q. 2. Where did she live?
Ans. She lived in her village Mahua on the bank of Punpun river.

Q. 3. When did Sita arrange Ratan’s married?
Ans. When Ratan Became young and started his business, Sita get h married.

Q.4. Who wanted Ratan to become a great man ?
Ans. Sita wanted Ratan to become a great man.

Q. 5. What was the name of Ratan’s wife?
Ans. Bela was the name of Ratan’s wife.

B.2. Think and Write:

B.2.1. True or False

1. Based on the story write ‘true’ or ‘false’ next to each sentence given below : 
1. Sita wanted her son to open a shop.
2. Ratan left his school mid way.
3. Sita sold her gold bangles and helped Ratan to open a shop.
4. Sita did not help Bela in any household job.
5. The flood washed away Ratan’s house.
6. Sita forgave Ratan for his mistakes.

Ans. 1. False, 2. True, 3. False, 4. False, 5. False, 6. True.

B.2.2. Tick the answers to each of the questions given below:

1. It was a hard work, but she never complained. Why?
(a) She enjoyed doing it.
(b) She was not of complaining nature.
(c) She knew she had to do the work hard in order to pay for her son’s studies.

2. Ratan was able to save money because :
(a) He received money from his mother.
(b) He was good at business.
(c) He was a miser.

3. During the flood:
(a) Sita got wet, and started crying.
(b) Bela got wet, and started crying.
(c) The roof leaked and the child began to cry.

Ans. 1. (c), 2. (a), 3. (c)

B.2.3. Answer in not more than 50 words.

Q. 1. How can you say that Sita loved her son very much?
Ans. Sita loved her son very much because for her son she used to work as a house maid and grow vegetables in her backward to pay for her on’s studies. She sold her silver bangles to open a shop for her son.

Q. 2. What shows that Ratan became unkind to his mother after his marriage?
Ans. After marriage, Ratan started neglecting his mother. He gave her a small cot to sleep outside in his house, When his mother was shivering and coughing, he did not care for her. Her health began to fall day by day but he did not take her to any later. Thus we can say Ratan became unkind. to her mother after his marriage.

Q. 3. What made Ratan and Bela realise that they had been very unfair to their mother?
Ans. One night, it was raining. Ratan’s house was leaking in rain. He saw how his wife was nursing their child to save him from dripping water. This reminded him the service of his mother to him. His mother was shivering and coughing in the Verandah. This made him and her wife feel that they were unfair to the mother.


C.1.Go through the text again and find out the words of the same meaning.

I. A woman whose husband has died.
Ans. Widow

II. Jewellery worn around the wrist.
Ans. Bangle

III. A situation in which people meet each other after a long time.
Ans. Reunion

IV. A loud noise that we sometimes hear in the sky during a storm.
Ans. Thunder

V. A woman servant whose job is to keep someone’s house clean.
Ans. Housemaid

C.2.Rearrange the letters and find out the words. Use these words in sentences of your own:

Thundre     rian      folod        werta       revir

Ans. Thunder, rain, flood, water, river.

Sentences made from these arranged words:
Thunder – Clouds thundered.
Flood – The flood washes all things of the village.
Rain – It was raining heavily.
Water – Water is very precious.
River – The river flooded and washed away many people and their belongings.


Read the following sentences from the lesson :
(a) Mahua is a small village.
(b) Her name was Sita.
(c) She had some silver bangles.

Mark the use of ‘a’, ‘her’ and ‘some’ in the sentences given above. These words determine or specify the meaning of the words (noun) which they precede. Such words are called determiners. In other words, a determiner is a word that comes before a noun and shows its limits.

a, an, the, two, both, this, that, my, your, some, any, each, every, little, few, many, much, a lot of etc.
‘Some’ is normally used in affirmative sentence; ‘any’ in negatives and questions.

I have some money.
I have not any money.
Do you have any money?
Not any = No
I have not any pen = I have no pen.

D.1.1. Use a/an/the/some/any, wherever necessary :
I have cow. Cow is black. One day I needed milk. I went to cow and asked her, “I want milk. Do you have milk ?” Cow said, “Yes, I have milk but I cannot give you milk.”

Ans. I have a cow. The cow is black. One day I needed some milk. I went to the cow and asked her, “I want some milk. Do you have any milk?” The cow said, “Yes, I have some milk but I cannot give you any milk ?”

D.2. Few/A Few/The Few
‘Few’, ‘a few’ and ‘the few’ are used with countable nouns. ‘Few’ means not ‘a bit’. ‘A few’ means ‘some’, ‘the few’ means ‘whatsoever is’. ‘We made few mistakes’ means ‘We made not many mistakes”. ‘We made a few mistakes’ means ‘We made some mistakes.’
‘We were punished for the few mistakes we made’ means the number of mistakes was not very large but whatever it was, we were punished for it.

D.2.1. Correct the following sentences:
1. I have the few rupees to buy books.
2. Can you give me few apples to eat?
3. I have not many but I will give you few apples I have.
4. Only a little students are lazy.
5. Make few mistake.

Ans. 1. I have a few rupees to buy books.
2. Can you give me a few apples to eat?
3. I have not many but I will give-you the few apples I have.
4. Only few students are lazy.
5. Make few mistakes.


E.1. Discuss in pairs the role of your father.
Ans. The Role of Our Father

Prakash : What does your father do for you, Vinayak? Vinayak
Prakash : My father bears all the responsibilities of me and my family. He manage my expense of study, and take care of my daily routine.
Prakash : My father also cares much for me. He instruct me what to do daily at home. He checks my homework and help me finish the task. He loves me very much.
Vinayak: My father, too, loves me very much, but when I commit a mistake he guides me to correct my behaviour.

E.2. Write a paragraph on the tasks you do to help your mother.
Ans. My mother’s name is Radha. She is housewife. She is very laborious. I have two brothers and one sister. My mother work from morning to evening. She wakes up early in the morning, finishes her daily routine and awake us to be fresh. She prepares breakfast for all. I help her in preparing breakfast. I bring water for her work. I clean the house and serve breakfast to my brothers and sister. I also arrange lunch for my father. Then, I go to my school. In the evening, too, I help my mother assisting her in the household work and then I take my evening study.


F. 1. Translate into your mother tongue :
I can eat some more mangoes.
I cannot eat any more bananas.
Are there any birds in the cage?
There are some birds in the cage.
I have a few mangoes and a little milk.

1. मैं कुछ और आम खा सकता हूँ ।
2. मैं और अधिक केला नहीं खा सकता हूँ ।
3. क्या पिंजड़े में कुछ चिड़िया हैं ?
4. पिंजड़े में कुछ चिड़िया हैं ।
5. मेरे पास कुछ आम और थोड़ा दूध है ।

F: 2. Translate into English :
1. बर्तन में थोड़ा दही है ।
2. मेरे पास कुछ किताबें हैं ।
3. तुम्हारे पास थोड़ा दूध है ।
4. उसके पास कोई किताब नहीं है ।
5. क्या आपके पास थोड़ा समय है ?

1. There is some curd in the pot.
2. I have a few books.
3. You have a little milk.
4. He has not any book.
5. Have you some time ?


G. 1. Mother Word Game :
All the students of the class may play this game at a time. Write any long word like, ‘POSTMAN’ on the black board and ask the students to write down all the words they can make with the letters of the given word-such as pot, mat, stamp, stop etc. Each letter should be used only once in a word. The student who makes more words is the winner.

Hints : छात्र आपस में यह खेल खेल सकते हैं।

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