Bihar Board Class 6 English Saina Nehwal : The Badminton Star Text Book Questions and Answers
6. Saina Nehwal : The Badminton Star
(साइना नेहवाल : बैडमिंटन सितारा)
B.1. Think and Tell:
Q. 1. Who is Saina Nehwal ?
Ans. Saina Nehwal is an badminton player.
Q. 2. Who was her coach?
Ans. Nahi Prasad was her coach.
Q. 3. Where did she practise as summer. trainee ?
Ans. She practiced as a summer trainee in Lalbahadur Shastri Stadium in Haryana.
Q. 4. At what age did she summer practice?
Ans. She practiced her summer trainee at the age of 8 years.
Q. 5. Where was Saina born?
Ans. Saina was born at Hisar in Haryana.
B.2. Think and Write:
Answer in a word or a sentence.
Q. 1. At which stadium Saina made her summer trainee?
Ans. Lalbhahadur Shastri Stadium, Haryana.
Q. 2. What is the name of Ratna, Saina received?
Ans. Saina received Padmashree award.
Q. 3. When did Saina become the most promising player?
Ans. Saina became the most promising player in 2008.
B.2.1. Answer in not more than 50 words :
Q. 1. Write in brief Saina’s performance in badminton.
Ans. Saina is an international player of India. She is first Indian women in badminton. She won 4-star tournament ‘the Philippines open in 2006, she is the runner-up at the 2006 BWF World Junior Championship. She reached the quarter-finals at the Olympic Games. She won BWF super series title. In 2006 she reached quarter final of World Championship. She also reached the semi-final of 2010 All-England Super Series. She received Arjuna Award and Padmashree Award from the Government of India.
Q. 2. Write about two famous badminton players before Saina.
Ans. Before Saina there are two players who earned their fame in international badminton event. They are Prakash Padukone and Sayyed Modi who won laurels for India.
C. Match the words in Column ‘A’ with their meanings in Column ‘B’.
Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
Admire Competition
Advice Important
Tournament Praise
Shuttle cock Counsel
Prominent Feathered shape
Ans. Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
Admire Praise
Advice Counsel
Tournament Competition
Shuttle cock Feathered shape
Prominent Important
Change into interrogative sentences:
Mohan went to market with his mother.
Did Mohan go to market with his mother?
1. Saina is a girl of nineteen years.
2. Rakesh reads in class Danapur High School.
3. Everyday he walks 3 km in the morning.
4. He likes to play cricket..
5. His brother admires him.
Ans. 1. Is Saina a girl of nineteen years ?
1. Does Rakesh read at Danapur High School in Class VII ?
2. Does he walk 3 km everyday in the morning ?
3. Does he like to play cricket ?
4. Does his brother admire him ?
Discuss ‘Your Favourite Game’ and then write a paragraph on it.
Ans. My Favourite Game
I like football most. It is so interesting to me that whenever I get a chance I leave all my work and run to a field with a football. I run in the field with the ball. So, in a football match. I play as a centre forward. To kick a ball high and long and then hold on the head is so amusing to me that I bounce together with the ball and want to fly in the sky This is the reason that I did not lose a football match ever.
F.1. Translate into English :
1. मेरा प्रिय खेल बैडमिंटन है ।
2. यह दो दलों के बीच खेला जाता है ।
3. बैडमिंटन एक इनडोर खेल है ।
4. इस खेल में नेट, रैकेट एवं शटल का प्रयोग होता है ।
5. यह खेल शरीर को सक्रिय रखता है ।
Ans. 1. Badminton is my favourite game.
2. It is played between two teams.
3. Badminton is an indoor game.
4. A net, a rocket and a shuttle are used in this play.
5. This play keeps the body active.
2. Translate into Hindi :
1. Playing is an important exercise.
2. I like to play cricket.
3. My favourite player in cricket is Sachin Tendulkar.
4. I play cricket with my friend.
5. I am the captain of my cricket team.
Ans. 1. खेलना एक महत्वपूर्ण कसरत है ।
2. मैं क्रिकेट खेलना पसन्द करता हूँ ।
3. सचिन तेन्दुलकर मेरा पसंदीदा क्रिकेटर हैं।
4. मैं अपने दोस्त के साथ क्रिकेट खेलता हूँ ।
5. मैं अपनी क्रिकेट टीम (दल) का कप्तान हूँ ।
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