Bihar Board Class 6 English Book Solutions Chapter 5. Bangle-Sellers (चुड़ी-विक्रेता)

Bihar Board Class 6 English Bangle-Sellers Text Book Questions and Answers

5. Bangle-Sellers


B.1. Think and Tell:

Q. 1. Who bring the load of bangles to the fair?
Ans. Bangle-sellers bring the load of bangles to the fair.

Q. 2. What is called delicate, bright, rainbow-tinted circles of light?
Ans. Bangles are called delicate, bright, rainbow, tinted circle of light.

Q. 3. Who will buy the banglès ?
Ans. The maidens, happy daughters and wives will buy the bangles.

B.2. Think and write :

B.2.1. True or False
Q. Based on the poem write true or false next to each sentence given below:
(a) Bangles are circles of light.
(b) Bangles are worn on the wrist.
(c) Bangles are silver and blue in colour.
(d) We can buy bangles from the temple fair.

Ans. (a) true, (b) true, (c) true, (d) true.

B.2.2 Tick the answers to each of the questions given below:

Q. 1. “Lustrous tokens of radiant lives” What do lustrous tokens signify?
(a) The bright and happy lives of the daughters and wives who wear bangles.
(b) Married ladies
(c) Mountain mist

Q. 2. On the tranquil brow of a woodland stream means:
(a) Our eyebrow
(b) The eyebrow of the maidens, daughters and wives who wear bangles
(c) On the sides of a stream quietly flowing in the forest.

Ans. 1. (a), 2. (c).

Q. 3. Complete the following sentences. Choose the correct answer from the box.
buds that dream,   mountain mist,    bloom that cleaves

1. Silver and blue bangles are compared with ………..
2. The flush of the bangles is compared with ………….
3. The glow of the bangles is compared with ……….

Ans. 1. mountain mist, 2. dream, 3. new-born leaves.

B.2.3. Answer in not more than 50 words:

Q. 1. What are the different colours of the bangles ?
Ans. The different colours of bangles are-bright, rainbow, lustrous, silver, blue.

Q. 2. Who are the bangle sold?
Ans. Bangle-sellers are sold the bangles.

Q. 3. Where are the bangles sold?
Ans. The bangles are sold to the temple fair.


C.1.Colour expressions:
Silver and blue as the mountain mist.
We use colour to compare one thing with another thing.
Some common colour expressions are as follows:

(a) As red as rose / blood / beet
(b) As white as snow/ sheet
(c) As black as light / coal
(d) As blue as the sky

Now fill in the blanks. You can take help from the help box :

orange,   wood,   leaf,   coal,   sky,   snow

(a) Her hair is as black as                …………
(b) His shirt is as green as              ………..
(c) The ball is as blue as                 ………..
(d) The paper is as white as             ……….
(e) Her frock is as orange as             ………
(f) His bag is as brown as                   …………

Ans. (a) coal, (b) leaf, (c) sky, (d) snow, (e) orange, (f) wood.

C.2. The different sellers we see around us.
We know that a bangle seller is one who sells bangles.
Now write what the following persons sell. You can add names of other sellers to this list :

(a) Vegetable seller
(b) Furniture seller
(c) Sweet seller
(d) Toy seller
(e) Utensil seller
(f) Book seller
(g) Cloth seller
(h) Flower seller

Ans. (a) vegetable, (b) furniture, (c) sweet, (d) toy, (e) utensil, (f) book, (g) cloth, (h) flower.


Q. Find out Rhyming words from the poem.
Ans. Bright-light; lives-wives; wrist-mist; dream-stream; cleaves-leaves.

E. Let’s Talk and Write

E.1. Talk in pairs on bangle sellers.
Ans. Rohit Suman, do you know about bangle-sellers?
Suman    : Yes, I know a little about bangle-sellers.
Rohit      : Who are they?
Suman  : Banglesellers sell bangles for ladies. There are rare shops in the market, where bangles are sold. Some banglesellers sell bangies going from door to door.

E.2. Write five-six sentences about a bangle seller.
Ans. A bangle-seller sells different kinds of bangles. He looks in a fair. The ladies buy bangles from him. He brings bangles having its load. I concern of the fair he sits and sells bangles. Daughters, wives, maiden girls go to him and buy bangles. He has different colour of bangles like silver, blue, red, black, pink etc. The bangles bright with shining.


Translate into English :
1. चाय कैसे बनाई जाती है ?
2. पानी उबाला जाता है ।
3. चीनी मिलाई जाती है ।
4. चायपत्ती डाली जाती है ।
5. फिर दूध डाला जाता है ।

1. How is tea prepared?
2. Water is boiled.
3. Sugar is mixed.
4. Tea leaves are mixed.
5. Then milk is poured.


G.1. Riddles :
Children enjoy asking riddles. Here are some riddles and brain teasers. Solve them and ask your friends to do the same.
1. What starts with an ‘E’, ends with an ‘E’ and has only one other letter in it?
2. I look at you, you look at me, I raise my right, you raise your left.What’s the object?
3. What has to be broken before it is used?
4. Remove the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside, and throw away inside.
5. What do you throw when you want to use it but take in when you don’t need it ?

Ans. 1. Eye, 2. Mirror, 3. Egg, 4. Corn, 5. Umbrella.

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